Do-it-yourself centrifugal regulator adjustment, on a stand at home. Without a stand or other device for visualizing angles; for example, a stroboscope, it is only possible to disable the centrifugal regulator. Do-it-yourself distributor adjustment on a stand. Adjustment, tuning of weight springs. Centrifugal regulator UAZ, ZMZ, GAZ Centrifugal ignition timing regulator UAZ, Volga, Gazelle. Adjustment of the distributor CROZ For questions about adjustment; My page in VK; https://vk.com/id60482248 WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber: +79601512765 Igor. Telegram channel: Repair and adjustment of distributors on a stand. https://t.me/GarikGarag Yandex Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/id/622d2258a228...