Synopsis of the comedy film Istanbul Mafia: Fiko and Kamil open a buffet by borrowing money from the bank and a swindler named Rafiq, but Rafiq intends to take over the houses and the shop by advancing the debt. They try to earn more money, but Rafiq sets their shop on fire, causing them to clash with another mafia. In the meantime, they face family and love problems and try to save themselves from this predicament. Comedy film genre: Comedy Year of production: 2016 Director of the Iranian comedy film Istanbul Mafia: Ali Ayyildiz Cast of the Persian comedy film Istanbul Mafia: Beyti Engin Nurcan Eren Burak Gunes Istanbul Mafia Yolsuzlar Cetesi film jadid Persian film film farsi Istanbul Mafia Persian Persian film #movie #comedy #new_film ????????News and schedule of films and series on the following Telegram channel???????? ???? https://t.me/mxtv3 ????