Synopsis of the comedy film Dance of the Jackals 2: After the Jackals have a hard time adjusting to life in prison, they sign up to take drugs that prevent people from committing crimes, but they lose their old ways. Genre of comedy film: Comedy Year of production: 2012 Director of the Iranian comedy film Dance of the Jackals 2: Murat Seker Cast of the Persian comedy film Dance of the Jackals 2: Sevket Çoruh Ilker Ayrik Murat Akkoyunlu Didem Balçin Dance of the Jackals Cakallarla Dans 2 film jadid Persian film film farsi Dance of the Jackals 2 Persian Persian film #Movie #Comedy #New_Film #Persian_Dubbed_Film ????????News and schedule of movies and series on the following Telegram channel???????????? https://t.me/mxtv3 ????