If you don't have money for a new combine, you can make it yourself! This is exactly what two brothers (Marcel and Denis) did from the depths of our vast country! Taking old Soviet machines as a basis, first of all, they disassembled them down to the last screw, and then assembled them by replacing old worn-out parts, as well as by upgrading the units to suit their needs and imagination! For example, the well-known Niva SK-5 combine was transformed beyond recognition: it received a cabin in the center from the Yenisei-1200 combine, a gas-transport system from the DON-1500 combine and many other units and parts that were not originally on this combine! The Yenisei-1200 combine underwent fewer changes, but they are still present, for example, a gas-transport system with controls like the KSK-100 combine (pedals) was installed, a pneumatic system (a compressor from a ZIL-130 car and a receiver) was installed, a starter from an MTZ-82 tractor was installed. But the most important thing is that the combine was completely disassembled to the base and then reassembled using new bearings, chains, belts and other parts! All the main parts were also replaced with new ones, for example, the threshing drum, concave, elevators, upper sieve, screen and more! We have already met Marcel before, then he told how he remade the NIVA SK-5 combines, one of which is present in this video. Here is that video: • Assembled new combines from old SK-5 ... He sold his combine last year and bought an old Yenisei, which he worked on this season! For questions about cooperation, write to me by email: [email protected] Don't forget to also look at my Instagram page: / landtech_youtube #combine #niva #yenisei