Indian Shure will be joining the channel as a member. We are planning to further strengthen the channel with the help of the BRICs, which are gaining momentum around the world. I think I will ask my juniors in the club and friends like Sato Shinta, who I know well, to be my cameramen in the future. Please continue to enjoy the Sakyo Ward vibe. Sub-channel showing our private life ↓ / @ida_sub [Ida Channel] An educational YouTuber who posts videos with friends from university for fun. I will retire when it is no longer fun. SNS accounts ↓ ???? Koba Twitter: https://twitter.com/koba__ida?s=11 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/lo... ???? Psycho Twitter: https://twitter.com/psycho_ida?s=21&t... Instagram: / psycho_ida ???? Ikeda Amateur Twitter: https://twitter.com/ida_info?s=21&t=r... Please contact us here for work inquiries! [email protected] #IdaI of BRICs #Bringing Sakyo-ku to the Hindu world