Hello! I bring the audio of Law 8429/92, updated in accordance with Law 14230 of 2021, which provides for the sanctions applicable due to the practice of acts of administrative impropriety, as referred to in § 4 of art. 37 of the Federal Constitution. A very important law in several competitions! Don't waste time, come study its literal meaning and speed up the review of the dry law. Happy studying! ????Become a member of this channel! In addition to supporting me, you have access to exclusive content: / @leisdeconcursos ????If you like my work and want to help me financially keep this project running, I make my PIX available here for contributions of ANY amount: [email protected] Take a look at the Administrative Law playlist: • Administrative Law Also go through the Extravagant Criminal Legislation playlist: • Extravagant criminal legislation Link to the Planalto page where I read this law: http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/... CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 START 0:00:23 CHAPTER I - General Provisions 0:07:12 CHAPTER II - Acts of Administrative Impropriety, Section I - Acts of Administrative Impropriety that Involve Illicit Enrichment 0:12:02 Section II - Acts of Administrative Impropriety that Cause Damage to the Treasury 0:19:15 Section III - Acts of Administrative Impropriety that Violate the Principles of Public Administration 0:24:31 CHAPTER III - Penalties 0:30:40 CHAPTER IV - Declaration of Assets 0:31:48 CHAPTER V - Administrative Procedure and Judicial Proceedings 0:58:42 CHAPTER VI - Penal Provisions 1:02:51 CHAPTER VII - Prescription 1:07:34 CHAPTER VIII - Final Provisions *Updated to Law 14,230 of 2021.