🆕 New course: NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE - FROM ANAMNESIS TO REPORT - 100% in video, taught by Flávia Machado. The Neuropsychological Evaluation in Clinical Practice course provides detailed investigation methods and practical guidelines that can be used in the day-to-day practice of the clinic. The course will address important issues for our day-to-day clinical practice. We will talk about patient referral, neuropsychological evaluation, initial interview, anamnesis and important data to be collected. Professor Flávia Machado shows a guide on how to set up the clinical protocol, how scales and inventories are used, and a guide and clinical case study of adults and children are prepared on reports and reports. More information and registration: http://bit.ly/avaliacao-neuropsicolog... 👉 Special Price until 09/18/2018 Date: 09/27/2018 Hours: 20 hours/class Audience: Psychologists and psychology students 👉 Realization: Ciclo CEAP - Center for Advanced Studies in Psychology - For 28 years training and developing psychologists throughout Brazil cicloceap.com.br #neuropsicologia #psicologia #neurociencias #avaliacaoneuropsicologia #cicloceap