Hello, this is 'Maria Joo'~^^ In the previous Shari Making Part 1, rice cooking, I tried making sushi shari with a Cuckoo rice cooker on non-pressure mode instead of using a pot. Please note that this is not an advertisement for the Cuckoo rice cooker. This video is intended to show that you can make a similar taste of pot-made shari at home. Part 2 of Sushi Craftsman Chef Koji's Shari Making is a full-fledged rice-making video and will continue into Part 3. Please enjoy watching until the end and have a great evening~^^ #SushiMaking #Sushi #Sushi BGMinfomation Santo Rico by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/ KojiTV / @kojitvseoul