In this lesson, we will review the nested IF function in Excel, and show you how it can be used to create complex equations that depend on multiple conditions. You will learn how to insert an IF function inside another IF function to enable you to execute more complex commands, and how to build nested equations to meet your specific needs and simplify your work. If you want to learn how to simplify your equations and manage them more effectively, be sure to follow the entire lesson. Check out our previous videos to expand your Excel skills. Other lessons we recommend you watch with this lesson: • Conditional IF Function in Excel: How to Build a... • AND Function in Excel: Link Conditions to... • OR Function in Excel: How it Works and What is it? Microsoft Excel is one of the most important programs that every project manager should deal with, so if you want to develop your skills and gain experience, be sure to watch the previous lessons and subscribe to the channel to receive all the latest. #Excel #excel #exceltips #microsoftexcel #exceltutorial