The period of the New Economic Policy was perhaps the most difficult and dangerous for the Soviet state. In our education, the history of this period was softened and simplified. It seemed logical and obvious to everyone to end the regime of "war communism" after the end of the Civil War, to free the peasants from the burdens of the food tax, so that they could freely produce and sell their products to consumers. Peacetime had arrived! Somehow, textbooks, teachers and lecturers did not explain to schoolchildren and students that in October 1917, the Soviet government inherited a catastrophic state of life support for the urban population and part of the rural population (artisans) - even before the Civil War. Moreover, they did not explain why normal trade turnover was disrupted already in 1915 and, despite a high harvest, "the grain did not go to market", and on September 23, 1916, the tsarist government announced the food tax, which was later called "war communism". The food tax requisition announced for 1917, I repeat, by the tsarist government, failed due to the collapse of the management system. They did not explain to us why the Provisional Government, being bourgeois in its philosophy, also introduced a grain monopoly. The first Minister of Agriculture of the Provisional Government, the Cadet (constitutional democrat) Andrei Ivanovich Shingarev, already on March 25, 1917, signed a law introducing a grain monopoly: from now on, food owners had to transfer all grain, minus what was required for their own consumption and for economic needs, to the state. Support me on Boosty: https://boosty.to/ivanzaitsevskii My VK: https://vk.com/publiczaitsevskogo My Telegram: https://t.me/IvanZaitsevskii #NEP #IvanZaitsevsky #History #Economy #USSR #NewEconomicPolicy #SovietUnion