SUBSCRIBE TO ✂ CORTES DO BORA / cortedoborapodcastoficial ~~~~~~~~~~ SUPER CHAT RULES*: Questions, hugs and hello - from R$ 5.00 Advertisements and announcements - R$ 50.00 Will be read at the end of the podcast ~~~~~~~~ Get to know the guest better: / @tvbaixagastronomiapornenel ~~~~~~~~~~ DIRECTION AND EDITING: Roger Henrique • / rogerhenrique94 PRODUCTION AND PRESS: Roberta Andrade • / robertaa_andrade HOST: Luiz Carlos Silva • / boraluiz ~~~~~~~~~~ WE ARE ALSO ON REDE 98 ???? Rádio 98.3 FM ???? Channels 29 BH, 22 Sete Lagoas and 698 on ClaroHD ????Portal 98live.com.br ~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT OUR CHANNEL: BORA PODCAST, as the name suggests, is an invitation for you who like good stories. Here you will find good humor, information and exchange of ideas on the most varied subjects. So, let's listen to real people? #BoraPodcast #Nenel #Baixagastronomia