1. God wants us to hear and understand what he says (8:1-8) Ezra 7:10; Deut 31:10-13 2. Joy is stronger (8:9-12) Lev 23:39-43 (Lev 23:23ff) 3. Said, discovered, proclaimed, done, rejoiced FURTHER THINKING: The city wall was completed on the 25th day of the 6th month. The people went home, but came back to Jerusalem about a week later and asked Ezra to read God's words to them. It is quite impressive how long they listened day after day, even the older children. What motivated them? (Neh 8:5-8) How do you understand the reactions to the opening of the scroll? What do they express? What is behind it? What is the Bible for you? To what extent does our approach to the Bible say something about our relationship with God? The people cry when they hear God's words. Why are the leaders telling them not to be sad but to be happy? How do they go from sadness to joy? To what extent is joy in God a "protection"? From what? God wants to be celebrated - do you have reason to celebrate God? Why? How do you want to do that in practice? In what way can this not only be done individually/personally, but also as a community? The leaders of the families have a longing to understand more of God's word and take the time to do it. What they understand, they immediately "tackle" and put into practice - with those who belong to them. To what extent do you find it easy or difficult to live out in practice what you have recognized in God's word? What are the hurdles? What could help you/us to move from recognition to action? Celebrate a week. An hour-long Bible breakfast in the morning. Then a closing party. Real, well-founded joy? How can we pray for one another so that we are excited about God from the bottom of our hearts and it is natural to show this clearly and celebrate God?