Feedback involves sampling an output signal from a system and applying it to its input. There are basically two forms of feedback: negative and positive, and each has different applications in circuits with operational amplifiers. In this video lesson, we will discuss how feedback affects the performance of an operational amplifier. We will talk about the difference between negative feedback and positive feedback, where each can be applied (amplifiers, oscillators, filters, etc.), and how negative feedback will act to define the circuit gain and establish a virtual short circuit at the opamp inputs. Previous lesson: • Ideal Operational Amplifier Opamp... Want to learn more about operational amplifiers and analog electronics in general? Check out the book suggestions below: 1. Horowitz, The Art of Electronics 3ed (Excellent book with practical circuits. A true handbook, it's expensive but it's beautiful) - https://amzn.to/3iXHA01 2. Sedra, Microelectronics (5ed) (The best analog electronics book in terms of depth and didactics. It's the one I use the most. Content for engineering) - https://amzn.to/303xHH0 3. Sedra, Microelectronics Circuits (5ed - English) (has more exercises than the Brazilian version) - https://amzn.to/3mPwIUg 4. Sedra, Microelectronics (4ed) (cheaper, same content) - https://amzn.to/3crhG2l 5. Boylestad, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory 8ed (good book, complete, less in-depth than Sedra and cheaper) - https://amzn.to/349w5wD 6. Boylestad, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory 11ed - https://amzn.to/33Ywce2 7. Malvino, Electronics vol. 1 (Book less in-depth in theory, but with many practical details. Recommended for technical courses) - https://amzn.to/33UYmGN 8. Malvino, Electronics vol. 2 (covers OpAmps and more advanced circuits) - https://amzn.to/349waAr 9. Pertence, Operational Amplifiers and Active Filters (8ed) (great book on OpAmps, straightforward, practical, just the right size. Recommended for technicians and engineers) - https://amzn.to/2FLpal5 10. Platt, Electronics for Makers (Book to learn by doing) - https://amzn.to/32XL7pz #generalelectronics #opamp #feedback #negativefeedback