🔗 Watch the full video HERE: https://dvtv.ink/nedbal_hes “It was important for us to experience ourselves and create a brotherly relationship, we even started living together. We became brothers in real life and that harmony, I hope, is visible in the film,” says Jan Nedbal, who plays Ctirad Mašín in the film Brothers. Oskar Hes plays Josef Mašín in it. “We gained ten kilos and then lost ten kilos, filming was postponed due to Covid, we had to cancel work for a year in advance. The longer we were at it, the livelier it all became,” he says. 🎥 SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEST INTERVIEWS ON YOUTUBE: https://dvtv.ink/YouTube 👁 Follow us on Facebook: / dvtv.cz 📸 We are also on Instagram: / dvtv 💬 You can also find us on Twitter: / dvtvcz 🎙 You can listen to the interviews on Spotify: https://dvtv.ink/spotify