I discover and support Nexus: ???? https://magazine.nexus.fr/je-decouvre/ On the occasion of the first Festival des anomalies, which took place last April in Mondelange (57), Nexus met the Belgian actor and scenographer Ronald Beurms. He agreed to share with us the extraordinary out-of-body experience that saved his life. Read our article: https://www.nexus.fr/actualite/temoig... So that we can continue to offer you FREE, INDEPENDENT and AD-FREE content: ✅ I subscribe: https://magazine.nexus.fr/abo-4/ ✅ I offer Nexus: https://magazine.nexus.fr/offrir-2023/ ✅ I make a donation: https://magazine.nexus.fr/dons/ ❤️ And I subscribe to the newsletter: https://magazine.nexus.fr/inscription...