Natural fruit growing part 3 / How to plant a fruit tree? In addition to digging a hole, planting and watering the tree, there are many tasks when planting a tree. Trees need to be mulched differently than plants in the vegetable garden, and if we want the tree to be healthy, it also needs companions. From the film, you can learn what considerations to take into account before and during planting, how to mulch fruit trees, and how to find companions. In this film, we present the case of a cherry tree. - Dr. Iván Gyulai Operator: Anikó Vörösmarti, Tamás Péchy Editor: Anikó Vörösmarti Website / ecolinst.hu Contact / [email protected] facebook.com/OkologiaiIntezetAlapitvany/ Thank you if you contribute to our operating costs, so that there will be many similar ones in the future, we can create free content. Account number of our foundation: 10102718-11364415-00000007. Please mark your monetary donation as "donation". Natural orchards Part 3 / How to plant a fruit tree? In addition to digging a pit, planting and watering the tree, there are many tasks involved when planting a tree. Trees need to be mulched differently than vegetable garden plants, and if you want the tree to be healthy, you need companions as well. From the film, they can learn what considerations to take into account before and during planting, how to mulch fruit trees, and what aspects to find companions for. In this film, we present the case of a cherry tree.