In this video I address the always much debated topic of natural methods to induce labor. Here I will tell you about some of them, then I will send you to read my full article on my blog on the subject where I mention 13 of them: https://vivianapresicce.it/come-stimo... ???? Watch the video now to learn more and participate in my FREE WEBINAR ON CHILDBIRTH to better prepare yourself for what awaits you. ⭕ Sign up here NOW without obligation [limited places] ???????? https://vivianapresicce.it/webinar ———————————— ———————————— ————————————— My name is Viviana Presicce and I am a Midwife by choice. I have more than 20 years of experience in the delivery room and 25 as an instructor of meditation techniques. I am the author of several books on birth and motherhood and the founder of Pronte a Rinascere, the first entirely online course of preparation for birth and motherhood that I created for all future mothers and new mothers like you. ????????Do you want to prepare for birth and motherhood? Do it with me! ???????? Subscribe to the channel ▶ / ostetricavivianapresicce MY PREPARATION COURSES FOR BIRTH and MATERNITY ▶ https://vivianapresicce.it/pronte-ar... MY ONLINE PREPARATION COURSE ▶ https://vivianapresicce.it/corso-prep... What mothers say about me ▶ https://vivianapresicce.it/recensioni ———————————— ———————————— ————————————— WHERE YOU CAN FIND LOTS OF OTHER INFORMATION ON PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH and MATERNITY: By participating in my FREE WEBINAR ON CHILDBIRTH, you can sign up here without obligation ????????https://vivianapresicce.it/webinar FREE Resources FOR YOU ???????? https://vivianapresicce.it/risorse-gr... Personal Blog ▶ https://vivianapresicce.it/il-blog/ Instagram ▶ / ostetricaviviana Community Facebook Moms with Viviana ▶ / mammeconviviana Contacts ▶ [email protected] ————————————— ATTENTION: No material contained in this video and on this channel is a substitute for the advice and presence, during childbirth or part of pregnancy, of a midwife or gynecologist. It does not in fact represent an alternative to medical care or medical advice in any way or form. It is for informational purposes only and can NOT in any case constitute the formulation of a diagnosis or the prescription of a treatment.