Over millions of years, many living creatures have demonstrated impressive adaptability in the face of profound extreme weather events. Faced with an uncertain future and the speed of climate change, scientists are concerned. Will animals be able to adapt effectively to the changes of the coming decades? Hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions: how do animals and plants actually react to such natural disasters? Some animals can sense imminent natural disasters and protect themselves from them. Others are forced to stay and fight for their survival against the unpredictability of nature. For some time now, science has been studying how flora and fauna react to the whims of planet Earth. The results point to remarkable survival strategies. Nevertheless, it remains uncertain whether animals and plants will also be able to face the new, man-made challenges. The migration of birds from Canada to Brazil is affected by strong weather events. During the storm season, the journey is disrupted by strong winds and atmospheric precipitation. The island of Puerto Rico is home to ants that survive floods by forming compact rafts and drifting with the current. Australia's flora and fauna have adapted to the annual bushfires: certain birds benefit from the fires because they make it easier for them to find prey. Nevertheless, given the current climate change that has been driving industrialization, animal species have little time to adapt. The rise in mean sea level, the frequency of destructive cyclones and gigantic forest fires are beyond anything previously observed and are worrying researchers from a wide range of disciplines. Documentary by Keebe Kennedy (F 2021, 53 min) #naturaldisasters #climate #animals Video available on YouTube until 30/05/2025 Link to the media library: https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/089963-... Subscribe to ARTE's YouTube channel: / artede Follow us on social networks: Facebook: / arte.tv Twitter: / artede Instagram: / arte.tv