Nasl El Aghrab Film - Amir Karara - Ahmed Elsakka - Mai Omar The series revolves around a quarrel that claimed the lives of more than half of Ghofran and Assaf Al-Gharib's families. Assaf is released from prison trying to restore the balance of power between him and his archenemy Ghofran, especially since the latter has become the center of power in the country. He even married Assaf's ex-wife and lover and raised his son. The series stars: Ahmed El Sakka - Mai Omar - Amir Karara - Edward - Ahmed Malek - Ahmed Dash - Diab - Naglaa Badr - Emad Ziyada - Mohamed Gomaa - Reem Sami - Salwa Othman - Ahlam Al-Jiritli - Mohamed Mahran Written by: Mohamed Sami Directed by: Mohamed Sami Nasl El Aghrab series #Nasl_Al_Aghrab Nasl El Aghrab Film - Amir Karara - Ahmed El Sakka - Mai Omar Nasl El Aghrab Film - Amir Krara - Ahmed Elsakka Follow Amir Karara on / amirkararaofficial1 / amirkarara / @karara.amir