The following video is intended to show laypeople how they can spot a person with narcissistic personality traits in a conversation. The video is based on my clinical experience as a psychotherapist, in which I am confronted daily with people who have narcissistic problems. It shows several core characteristics of the communication structure of narcissistic people. Not everyone who uses these communication traits is a narcissist, but they often focus very much on themselves. First, the violation of the I and you rule is presented. The I and you rule states that human communication must always be fairly balanced. This communication must therefore be in a synallagmatic, mutual exchange relationship. Narcissists usually violate these rules because they try to talk directly about themselves in all their speeches and conquer the space of the conversation. The second article is devoted to a phenomenon typical of narcissists, the influx of narcissistic grandiosity into the conversation. Narcissistic people tend to repeatedly make references to their own greatness or their own capabilities in conversations and try, more or less discreetly, to repeatedly make references to how great and capable they are. The third part of the video deals with the so-called narcissistic pose. This is a moral role that is taken on to show how morally good, white or beautiful one is. However, if you know the narcissistic person for a longer period of time, you notice that it is only a pose, an act, and not an authentic being. The last point in the video describes reflection in the shop window or in the mirror. This describes the phenomenon that narcissistic people, if they are in a conversation and there is a mirror or a large shop window behind the conversation partner in which they can see their reflection, repeatedly tend to look at themselves in the mirror in a conspicuous way and completely lose the conversation partner's attention. More on this at: https://psychotherapie-ruland.de/