★☆★☆↓↓↓↓ Here is the list of cosmetics used ↓↓↓↓☆★☆★ ◆Apparently all of them are very popular, but the lotion and foundation are said to be difficult to obtain as they keep selling out☆彡▼LotionESTEE LAUDER Micro Essence Lotionhttps://www.esteelauder.jp/product/15... ▼FoundationCEFINE Cefine Silk Wet Powder Refill OC110https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00N1O7N2... ▼Sponge Beauty Blenderhttp://atelierraisin.cart.fc2.com/ca9... ▼Eyeshadow① M・A・C M・A・C Pressed Pigmenthttp://www.maccosmetics.jp/product/13... ▼Eyeshadow② LUNASOL Star Shower Eyes▼Eyebrow① INTEGRATE Eyebrows and nose shadow http://www.shiseido.co.jp/sw/products... ▼Eyebrows ② Heavy Rotation Kiss Me Coloring Eyebrow http://www.isehan.co.jp/heavyrotation... ▼Eyeline Angfa Scalp D Beaute Pure Free Eyeliner http://www.angfa-store.jp/ITEM/BTPFL0... Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner III Dark Brown https://www.koji-honpo.co.jp/products... ▼Mascara Fiber Wig Ultra Long http://www.dejavu-net.jp/items/fiberwig/ ▼Eyeshadow For the lower eyelid, use the orange-brown "LUNASOL" ▼Cheek M・A・C Powder Blush Modern Mandarin http://www.maccosmetics.jp/product/13... ★☆★☆↓↓↓↓ Video list ↓↓↓↓☆★☆★ ◎Lotion → Foundation ⇒ • [Transform your look in just 7 minutes] Naomi Watanabe's makeup method Lotion → Foundation ◎Eyeshadow① Eyeshadow② ⇒ • Eyeshadow① Eyeshadow② ◎Eyebrow① Eyebrow② ⇒ • Eyebrow① Eyebrow② ◎Eyeliner Mascara ⇒ • Eyeliner Mascara ◎Cheek False eyelashes ⇒ • Cheek False eyelashes