In the areas affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake, water supply is still cut off even now, more than two months after the disaster. Will Nagoya, with a population of 2.3 million, be okay if the Nankai Trough earthquake occurs? We interviewed the front line of Nagoya City's water countermeasures. Water is essential to life. The Noto earthquake shows how easily a life that relies on water and sewage systems can fall into a crisis. (Nagoya resident) "Water is a concern. It would be terrible if this area were to experience a water outage." "I have children, so it's not just someone else's problem. I'm worried about whether Nagoya City is taking proper measures." Moriyama Ward, Nagoya City. Here, important construction work is being carried out. And during the Noto Peninsula earthquake, earthquake-resistant pipes were found to have come loose in two places in Wajima City. Experts are concerned about this situation, which shakes the basic premise of earthquake countermeasures that "earthquake-resistant pipes will not cause damage." From CBC TV's "Chanto!" broadcast on March 11, 2024