"Naniwa Koi Shigure" is a duet single by Miyako Harumi and Oka Chiaki, released on May 21, 1983. Lyrics by Taka Takashi, music by Oka Chiaki, arrangement by Saito Tsuneo. The song is based on the motif of Katsura Shundanji, the first superstar of the prewar Kamigata Rakugo world, and his unconventional lifestyle and the love between him and his wife Ohama, who supported him behind the scenes. Miyako Harumi (born February 22, 1948) is a Japanese female enka singer and music producer. Her real name is Kitamura Harumi. She was born in Kyoto City. She is affiliated with Nippon Columbia Records. She was previously affiliated with Columbia Music Entertainment, Sun Music Production, and Produce House Miyako before returning to Sun Music. Her blood type is B. She has a unique and powerful singing style called "Harumi style," and has many hit songs as an enka singer. ●Oka Chiaki (born December 7, 1950) is a composer and enka singer from Kojima, Hinase Town, Wake District, Okayama Prefecture (now Bizen City) [1]. She is currently the vice president of the Japan Composer's Association and a director of JASRAC. She was a former director of the Japan Popular Music Culture Association. [Wikipedia] #Naniwa Koi Shigure #Miyako Harumi #Oka Chiaki