In this episode, we reveal the secrets of “the ingredients of a movie script”! ????✨ We delve into the basics of cinematic narrative that make movies special and unforgettable. We discuss: • How to build the 36 plots of a strong and influential story. • “The hero’s journey” and its impact on developing movie characters. • The different types of heroes that we see in the most famous movies. Don’t miss this enjoyable cinematic dose, and don’t forget to like and subscribe to receive all the latest from Nafeesh! ???????? Presented by: Ahmed Al-Janaei Dawood Al-Shuail Podcast logo and theme design: Saleh Al-Qallaf Nafeesh team: Youssef Al-Majim Musaed Al-Qudaifi Dawood Ajeel Al-Shuail Salah Shihab Youssef Al-Sharad Abdul Aziz Al-Qudairy Osama Behbehani Bahr Al-Hob Hussein Al-Shirazi Jassim Burhama