We wanted her to go home so much. Nadezhda passed away suddenly... The story of one life in 75 minutes. Follow my social networks: ➤Instagram - / zhunusov_mh ➤ Telegram - https://t.me/kulturnyi14region ➤ REGION Live Channel - / @regionlive-bw9wi ➤ VLOG channel - • WENT TO SEE AN ENDOCRINOLOGIST IN ALMATY. For n... ___ You can help the channel by: 1. watching another video 2. reposting to everyone you know, 3. commenting, 4. like or dislike. 5. subscribing to the channel After you complete these six points, you will provide the biggest donation/help for this channel. Thank you! ___ #help #sleepingundertrees #cruel #passedaway #14region #myrzabek #helpforwoman #help #sleepingundertrees #neela6days #citizenkarf #14region #myrzabek #helpforwoman