The new episode of History Lessons with Tamara Eidelman is dedicated to myths and tales describing the afterlife — how it works, where it is, how to get there, and how to get out of there (if possible). Our ancestors weren't too scared of the prospect of death — it was more like just moving to another world, a long journey that everyone eventually goes to. But what would happen to you there depended on the person, their good and bad deeds, or on the rituals they performed correctly. *** ADVERTISEMENT — Buy cheap air tickets on Aviasales: https://i.avs.io/1558ne Books: 1. V. Ya. Petrukhin. The Afterlife. Myths of Different Peoples. 2. Philippe Aries. A Man Facing Death Support the release of new history lessons on the Patreon platform — / eidelman Support the release of new history lessons by becoming a sponsor on YouTube — / @tamaraeidelmanhistory Follow us on social networks, where we regularly publish additional stories: Follow Tamara Natanovna on Instagram — / tamaraeidelman Subscribe to our Telegram channel — https://t.me/eidelman Subscribe to our Facebook page — / eidelmantn Subscribe to our VKontakte page — https://vk.com/eidelmantn - 00:00 -Introduction. Topic of the video. 2:52 -When did people first think about death? Where do people go? 5:47 -About the find in the Vladimir region. 6:55 -Myths about death. How does it come into the world? 12:32 -About the inevitability of death in different cultures. 14:56 -The Legend of Two Great Poets. 18:25 -About People Who Tried to Conquer Death. 20:56 -Where Do People Go After Death? 27:32 -The Concept of Death at Different Times. 29:34 -About Guides to Another World. 34:20 -About Those Who Try to Get to the Kingdom of the Dead. 39:26 -What Happens in the Kingdom of the Dead? 43:00 -The Judgment of Osiris. Will Everyone Get What They Deserve? Hell and Paradise in Different Nations. 50:39 -About Mitigating Punishments in Different Nations. 52:28 -The Third Song of Dante's Hell. 53:46 -Easing the Suffering of Sinners. 55:23 -An Important Thing About the Afterlife. 57:15 -About Vampires, Ghouls, and Ways to Protect Yourself from Them. 59:50 -Communicating with the Spirits of Ancestors. Ancient ideas. 1:05:08 - Rituals of games at the death. 1:07:17 - Mircea Eliade on ancient mythology. 1:08:54 - Address to the audience.