This Indonesian film released in 1990 tells the story of the adventures of Sembara (Fendi Pradana) and his friends, Farida (Chatrianawati) and Basir (Robert Santosa), in the world of magic and supernatural knowledge. At first they were disturbed by Badirul (Herry Latuperisa) and his daughter, Serum (Betty Amalia). Farida and Basir were successfully taken hostage, Sembara fell into the river and disappeared. Sembara then appeared again and saved his two friends, after killing Badirul. Seruni who lost her father, instead joined them. These four people experienced disturbances again from Baginda Garai (Hengky Tornando) and Atok Garai (WD Mochtar), both of whom were slaughtered by Sembara. Finally, a woman with fire hair (Lucy Soebardjo) appeared to kidnap Farida. Sembara had to fight again against the woman with fire hair who was assisted by Mak Lampir (Farida Pasha) Don't forget to always Share, Comment and Subscribe.. There will be lots of new content from Rumah Film Indonesia #RumahFilmIndonesia