SÉRGIO SACANI is a geophysicist, astronomy enthusiast and creator of the Space Today channel. With accessible teaching methods and daily videos, the channel exposes facts and curiosities about space technology and the Universe. With that, Sérgio is the perfect person to explain why Vilela lives in a dream world. WATCH this full episode: https://youtube.com/live/INnXkoJwV0M Contact: [email protected] Want to send us gifts? Attention Rogério Vilela PO BOX Post Office Box: 81969 ZIP Code: 05619-970 São Paulo - SP #InteligenciaLtda #Podcast ---------- REALIZATION: Fábrica de Quadrinhos HOST: Rogério Vilela Follow on Instagram: @vilela EDITING: Yasmin, Gabriel and Rafael PRODUCTION: Rogério Vilela SCRIPT: Fabio Mantoanelli