Catch!'s popular project "My Town's Best Lunch Shop." Sugi-chan, who is from Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture, heads to Toyoake City in search of a great lunch! Will Sugi-chan make the lunch himself this time? [Broadcast on 2024.7.10] Relax in this stylish space! : "Sunflowers" on oven-baked pizza "Stone Oven Bread & Gallery Café Kinonaka" carefully selected "Obanzai" "Tomarirai" / Crispy and juicy "delicious" "merry café" - enjoy 7 dishes on two tiers at "Shojin Ryori Hand-made Soba Takimoto Branch" ▼▼For more information on the restaurants featured on the show, click here▼▼ https://www.ctv.co.jp/catch/article/8... ▼▼Click here for lunches that have been featured in the past▼▼ https://locipo.jp/creative/0ff2da93-6... ■CTV NEWS official website https://news.ntv.co.jp/n/ctv ■X / chukyotv_news ■TikTok / ctv_news ■LINE NEWS https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40oa-ctvnews ■For any questions, concerns or investigation requests, contact "The Interview Team in Your Center"! https://www.ctv.co.jp/interview/ ■Submit photos, videos, etc. to "Catch! Submission Box"! https://www.ctv.co.jp/catch/tokobox.html #Sugichan #News #CTV #CTV