He was a trademark of the ARD, according to WDR director Fritz Pleitgen, the only one - apart from the mouse. But above all and more than anything else he is 'Bio', a small, unmistakable work of art: Alfred Franz Maria Biolek, 72 (2007, born 1934), lawyer, doctor of law, producer, talk show host, UN ambassador, bar owner and TV chef, combines countless professions and vocations in his person. Television has always had a special place in his life. Now he has turned his back on the television landscape: he took stock of his work to date in his biography "My Life", which was published by Kiepenheuer & Witsch in September 2006. Since autumn 2006 he has also been on tour with a new theatre project and chatting from the television box. In his stage programme "My Theatre with Television" Alfred Biolek told anecdotes from four decades of TV entertainment. The conversation with Dr. I guided Alfred Biolek on January 13, 2007 in Baden-Baden. Frank Elstner on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1vE4DfN