???? Be my mentee at Mentoria Start ???? https://www.pedrodellanora.com.br/men... ???? Follow me on Instagram and see my day-to-day life at the store ???? / pedrodellanora ???? Receive content also on Telegram ???? https://t.me/+O6PMA-ymaPM3OGIx Hey Meteoricians, how are you? Tax regimes can cause a lot of confusion among supermarket owners. MEI, ME, Simples Nacional, Lucro Presumido or Lucro Real, they are all possibilities, but only some will actually help you make a real profit. That's why I prepared this video, especially for those who are already developing their supermarket and are approaching the possibility of Lucro Real. Watch until the end and find out what you need to know before switching from Simples Nacional to Lucro Real.