A beer at the weekend with friends. The smartphone is a constant companion in everyday life for all sorts of things. Regular exercise is healthy. But what happens when you lose your sense of proportion and slip into an addiction? Will I notice it? And how do I get out of it? Jaël speaks to Sebastian, who was once addicted to gaming, and finds out what helped him get out of it and what role his faith in God played. To gain a better understanding of addiction, Jaël also spoke to Markus Wildermuth from the Blue Cross. He explains what can help those affected to get out of addiction, but also how relatives can find a good way to deal with the person affected. You can find further help or information points here: Blue Cross: www.blaueskreuz.ch Online advice for addiction issues: www.safezone.ch Take a timeout: www.timeoutschweiz.ch Dry January: www.dryjanuary.ch #addiction #gaming #bluecross #bravebelife