After we bought the largest amount of new items for the house from the internet, Nour accused Hadeel of stealing her ideas and buying the same items she wished for. The strongest and strangest prank with Hadeel. We love you very much ❤️🤍🧡💜💓💖💗💙 Thank you for your support 🥰 And don't forget to subscribe to the channel on the following link ⬇️ / @aghyadhadeel Hadeel TV channel link 👇🏼 / @hadeeltv8773 Amjad and Bushra Famliy channel link 👇 / @amjadbushrafamily3510 Instagram ⬇️ Aghid https://instagram.com/aghyad_aljaraky... Hadeel / / hadeelaljraky Follow us TikTok ⬇️ hadeelaghyad95