#canan Başkaya #kulahmet #folk songs #our songs MY ROSE-FACED SULTAN ZÜLFÜ PERİŞAN HZ. ARE YOU FROM THE PATH OF MEVLAN, YOUR MUSCLES ARE MY ALTAR? YOUR NAME IS HURISAN. ARE YOU FROM THE PATH OF MUHAMMET ALI? ARE YOU FROM THE ROSE OF THE ONE WHO TOOK HEAVEN? YOU MADE ME MECNUN. YOU ARE LEYLA. TELL THE TRUTH, BEAUTIFUL. ARE YOU CANAN? SERVANT AHMET (AHMET KARTALKANAT) CEM TV 5-1-2011 LIVING IS A FOLK SONG #cemtv #television #program #cananbaskaya #music #folk songsourself #saying #longair #longairs #sayings #trendingfolk songs #trending #folk song #ourfolk songs #ourlove #folk songs #folk #folk music #folk songs #long road #folk songs #long road music #youtube #youtubevideo #video #videos #folk #folkmusic #folkmusician #folksong #folklore #volks #volksmusik #music #musicvideo #traditional #anonymous #anatolian #tunes #mostlistenedtofolkmusic #acoustic #cover #coversong #liveperformance #liveperformancefolkmusic #please #like #don'tforgettosubscribe #follow