Want to buy us a virtual coffee? https://buycoffee.to/parantela (https://buycoffee.to/parantela) Channel support: https://patronite.pl/Parantela #skrzydłokwiat #spathyphillum #rośliny #kwiatydoniczkowe #kwiaty Spathyphillums are herbaceous plants from the arborvitae family inhabiting Central and South America and parts of Asia and Oceania. They are characterized by a compact, erect and tufted habit. The leaves are quite thin, lanceolate or elliptical, shiny, in a beautiful intense green color, with a visible network of nerves. They produce beautiful flowers with a large, elongated, decorative vagina in white or green. After flowering, they turn green and dry out, then they can be removed along with the entire flower shoot. In nature, they grow on the bottom of humid equatorial forests, hence their low demand for solar energy. Spathiphyllums are undemanding and easy to grow – they are recommended for beginners. An additional convenience in care is the hanging of their leaves when thirsty, which makes watering much easier. Spathiphyllums are among the plants with strong air-purifying properties. Spathiphyllum has even made it onto NASA's list of plants with the greatest air-purifying abilities. Spathiphyllums are inexpensive, and thanks to their decorative, glossy leaves, they create a tropical atmosphere (don't forget to regularly wipe them of dust to make it easier for the plant to breathe and look really beautiful). Location: Spathiphyllums like shady places, they do not tolerate strong exposure to the sun, which causes their leaves to fade and inhibit growth. Soil: Spathiphyllum grows very well in a universal substrate with perlite. It is also good to add a bit of coconut fiber to the soil so that it retains moisture longer, and activated carbon to prevent the growth of bacteria and root rot. Watering: Spathiphyllums like constantly slightly moist soil, but they do not tolerate dry soil – then their leaves become weak – or excessive waterlogging, which causes yellowing and wilting of the leaves. Spathiphyllum should be watered when its leaves lose some turgor and hang down slightly. Spathiphyllum shows in this way that it is ready for watering, which makes it very easy to water and makes it an easy-to-grow houseplant. Most common problems: wilting leaves as a result of improper watering, drying of leaf tips associated with excessively dry air. Spathiphyllums should be sprayed, placed near aquariums or other plants, or an air humidifier should be used. Propagation: Spathiphyllum is most easily propagated by dividing an overgrown clump. The most beautiful varieties available in the market: Spathiphyllum Bingo Cupido, Spathiphyllum Silver Cupido, Spathiphyllum Sweet Chico, Spathiphyllum Sweet Sebastiano, Spathiphyllum Bellini, Spathiphyllum Diamond, Spathiphyllum Vivaldi, Spathiphyllum Sensation with gigantic leathery leaves. Safe for animals: unfortunately, spathiphyllums are not safe for animals. About us Szymon and Ania Zielińscy - a good old couple for many years and happy parents of two long-haired girls - Hania and Inka. On the Parantela channel we show you frames from our lives, we share our passions and joys. Parantela is everything that is close, dear to us and somehow connected with us. We will be very pleased if you make yourself at home with us like in a comfortable armchair and spy on us a bit and accompany us on our life adventure. Subscribe for more, write us comments - be with us - we invite you to be part of our affinity :-) We also run a wonderful online store with plants - www.jungleboogie.pl We also invite you to the store's YT channel / @jungle_boogie