???? Warm greetings, welcome to the new year 2025! ✨ The new year will challenge us all. That's why I'm sharing with you in this video my personal message for the year and the resolutions I have made for myself and my community. ???? Angel service on January 12, 2025 The topic: "We welcome the new year - an hour for light and heart opening." Register here: [Insert link] Feel supported, loved and blessed and live in the knowledge that you are not alone. From soul to soul, your Susanna #AnnualMessage2025 #AngelService #Spirituality #FocusInChaos #Channeling #MessageOfLight #NewYear #SelfReflection Feel loved, supported and blessed and live in the knowledge that you are not alone. All the best, your Susanna ???? MY OFFERS FOR YOU ???? Do you already have my free Lights Compass? ???? https://susanna-suter.com/whatsapp-te... ???? NEW: Closed community - Message of Light In addition to the public group in which you receive the monthly message, there is now a closed community. Here you can expect: ✨ Weekly messages of light ✨ Exclusive content and deeper impulses ✨ As a welcome gift: A heart-opening meditation that will be a good servant to you More information & registration: ????https://susanna-suter.com/botschaft-d... ???? Angel service An hour with the lights for the lights of this earth. ???? Angel service - more information & registration https://susanna-suter.com/engelsgotte... ???? Receive the monthly message of the light (public): ????https://susanna-suter.com/whatsapp-te... ????MEDIAL GROUP COACHING ???? LichterSchule - From the shadows into the light. Your personal power transformation package: Intensive 3-month group coaching with max. 6 souls. Info & start dates on my website: https://susanna-suter.com ????MEDIAL INDIVIDUAL COACHING ???? Coaching package GOLD Intensive accompaniment and support from the lights and me - at your pace. https://susanna-suter.com/#LSprivat ????CoachingPackage LIGHT 3 sessions of individual media coaching at your pace: https://susanna-suter.com/lichtercoac... ???? You can also combine group and individual coaching. ???? Heart-opening meditation: https://susanna-suter.com/gebets-medi... ???? Do you have any questions about the offers? Click here for the contact form: https://susanna-suter.com/kontakt-for... OTHER CHANNELS ???? Telegram channel: https://t.me/SusannaSuter ???? Newsletter: https://susanna-suter.com/whatsapp-te... ???? Instagram: susanna_suter_official ???? Facebook: /19167 PERSONAL THANKS I am often asked if I can be supported – yes, I would be happy to! If my videos help, heal or inspire you, I would be happy about your appreciation. ???? Below the video you will find a heart symbol for donations. ???? Bank transfer: Susanna Suter, Meggen / Raiffeisenbank Meggen IBAN CH50 8080 8006 5121 4978 5 BIC RAIFCH22XXX Note: Personal thank you