English: http://www.domoelectra.com/blog/how-... My Office Lights Are Flickering Subscribe, it doesn’t give power http://goo.gl/yGSZ3O :) Hi, DomoTeam! :) Motivated one more week to share with you this new #DomoTechnicalAdventure. Today, we will encounter an electrical fault that causes the lighting to flicker. Will you join me? Before going to an installation, as I always tell my coworkers, the client must be asked certain questions in order to intuit what is causing the fault and thus, prepare all the necessary materials. Questions from a “Technician2.0″ about Flickering 1. Is the power supply single-phase or three-phase? 2. Does the home frequently suffer power outages or power surges? 3. Do the light bulbs flicker if all the thermal protection switches in the house are turned down except for the lighting one? 4. Have you noticed a burning smell in the electrical panel? How many circuits does the panel have? 5. Did all the light bulbs start flickering at the same time or did it increase, first one and then another and so on? 6. Is the electrical installation the same as before or has it been renovated? 7. How many computers do you work with? 8. Do you have Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) connected to your computers? 9. Do you use Wi-Fi extenders or PLCs for Internet? 10. …. I'm sure you can think of more questions to help us face this breakdown with more emotion, more passion, more joy... :) I recommend that you don't miss this Sunday's "tutorial", it promises to convey humble experiences in real situations and real moments to become better electrical technicians and, above all, better people :) More technical stories at http://goo.gl/piJGdt Can I have a like? RT? Share it? These things, believe it or not, help us optimize the videos :) All the products that appear in the video are available in your online store, here are the links: 1. Multimeter http://www.domoelectra.com/tiendaonli... 2. Pliers http://www.domoelectra.com/tiendaonli... 3. Scissors http://www.domoelectra.com/tiendaonli... 4. Regulations http://www.domoelectra.com/tiendaonli... 5. Flashlight http://www.domoelectra.com/tiendaonli... 6. DPN magnetothermal http://www.domoelectra.com/tiendaonli... More info on the website: http://www.domoelectra.com Online Store: http://domoelectra.com/tiendaonline Your blog: http://www.domoelectra.com/blog Free Download DomoGame: http://domoelectra.com/tiendaonline/8... Domo Electra Android App: http://goo.gl/9tTbtR We follow you on social networks: Twitter- http://goo.gl/G6D1Ef Facebook- http://goo.gl/n8reWp Google Plus- http://goo.gl/N7UdyH Instagram- / domoelectra