Cübbeli swore from the pulpit. That wasn't enough, he cut that part and published it as a short video. That wasn't enough, he republished it five days later with an explanation. Cübbeli believes that his rank will rise in heaven if he curses us! #cubbeliahmet #lalegültv #halisbayuncuk #alparslankuytul In this video, we compared the verses of the Quran and the hadiths of Hz. Muhammad Mustafa (sallahu Alayhi Wasallam) with Cübbeli's words. Is Islam clothing or faith and deeds? What happens if a person seems like the deepest believer with his clothes, but his words and deeds are the exact opposite of the verses and hadiths. #Hayrettinkaraman #leader #ensarvakfı #tügva #türgev #saimyeprem #ilimyaymacemiyeti #recepşentürk #isam #alierbaş #yusufkaplan #seyyitsaki #nurettincoşan #ihsanşenocak #alpaslankuytul #ömerfarukgergerlioğlu #hakyolfoundation #alparslankuytul #nurettinyıldız #menzil #cübbeliahmet #mustafaöztürk #ismailhünerlicehoca #ismailaga #erdogan #muslim #işkenderpaşacemaat #erenkoycemaat #akp #akparti #chief #ihsanşenocahoca #ihsansenocak #receptayyiperdoğan #tarikat #süleymanefendicemaat #abdurrahmandilipak #cübbeliahmethoca #kazımgüleçyüz #fatihorange @Sozcutelevizyonu #halktv @Tele1comtr #atv #morning #foxhaber #news #news #fethullahgülen #cübbeli #cübbeliahmet #sunnetiseniye #hüseyinçelikhoca #alparslankuytul #range #ismailhünerlicehoca #ihsanşenocak #halisbayancuhoca