// First days back in my intensive study routine! I'm starting the final stretch towards the last exam of my competitive exam in the middle of summer: this is how I'm adapting after finishing my internship in the public administration. I hope you like it ♥︎ #undiaconmigo #oposiciones #estudiantes [email protected] ???? Instagram: / maria.llagunes ???? TikTok: / maria.llagunes ✅ Free month Opositatest: http://bit.ly/3ZcHJBB + 10% OFF with my code: MARIALLAGUNEST10 LINKS: Wireless headphones: https://amzn.to/44JJDNf Espresso maker: https://amzn.to/43Q5y4q Laptop stand: https://amzn.to/3JwDFHj Color study flashcards: https://amzn.to/3XNlIZA White study flashcards: https://amzn.to/3qvsMPb My study chair: https://amzn.to/3SiXDba Thermal water bottle: https://amzn.to/3lVNXHy Desk lamp: https://amzn.to/3ZoCr6y Pastel highlighters: https://amzn.to/3Z4tAWF Pens: https://amzn.to/3lGo3YD White studio lectern: https://amzn.to/3ofMe0U ✨ My Amazon favorites: https://www.amazon.es/shop/mariallagunes My favorite videos of pomodoros 50-10: 1 hour lofi music: • 1 hour study with me (with lofi backg... 2 hours with skyline views: • ☁️ 서울 SKY에서 공부하는 2시간 스터디윗미 ☁️ 2HR STU... 2 hours library environment: • Dark Classical Academia - You're English: stud... Video on how to study in the summer: • MY LIFE STUDYING OPPOSITIONS How... Video on how I organize myself to study for the opposition: • How I ORGANIZE myself to study for the OPO... TIMELINE: 00:00 study with me: day 1 00:53 new study routine 11:40 study with me: day 2 15:35 study with me: day 3 16:00 we chat: I'm in the bag! 23:45 iced coffee 24:25 training 25:10 farewell This video is not sponsored. Oppositions, study for oppositions, a day with me opposing, a day with me studying, study vlog, study vlog, a day in my life, a day with me, opposition experience, opposition motivation, student, productivity, organization