The Liar's Yarim is a comedy Turkish film directed by Ertem Eğilmez in 1973. Ferdi is the prodigal son of a wealthy family. His only fear in life is his older brother Mahmut. Alev is the daughter of a father who works as a marketer. She is in love with Ferdi, whom she sees from afar from time to time. One day, Mahmut comes to check on Ferdi and see the girl he is engaged to. However, there is no fiancée. Ferdi tries to find someone who can act as his fiancée. However, only Alev will volunteer to play this game. Şaban's Son Şaban: • Şaban's Son Şaban FULL HD Salako: • Salako FULL HD Hababam Sınıfı Awakening: • Hababam Sınıfı Awakening FULL HD Happy Days: • Happy Days FULL HD Kibar Feyzo: • Kibar Feyzo FULL HD / arzufilmofficial / arzufilmas / arzufilmasofficial #arzufilm #tarıkakakan #emelsayın #yalancıyarim #yerlifilm