The seventh season of the TV anime series My Hero Academia, a hugely popular manga by Kohei Horikoshi, will begin airing on Saturday, May 4th. The final battle between heroes and villains has finally begun, and every episode is packed with shocking developments, making this a must-see season. Crank-in! Trend conducted a discussion between Kouki Uchiyama, who plays Shigaraki Tomura, and Hiro Shimono, who plays Dabi/Todoroki Touya, who play the villains who stand in the way of the heroes. They talked about how the relationship between the two has been built since their encounter, looking back on famous episodes and discussing the chain of events that led to this point. >>Read more↓ https://www.crank-in.net/trend/interv... The seventh season of the TV anime series My Hero Academia will air every Saturday at 5:00 p.m. on Yomiuri TV and Nippon TV from Saturday, May 4th. Official website: https://heroaca.com/ (C) Kohei Horikoshi / Shueisha, My Hero Academia Production Committee #HeroAcademia #Kouki Uchiyama #Hiro Shimono