The popular manga "My Hero Academia" has sold a total of 100 million copies worldwide. The 10-year serialization will finally come to an end with the combined 36th and 37th issues of "Weekly Shonen Jump" released on Monday, August 5th. How is this work that fascinates so many people drawn? The news program "news zero" interviewed the author, Kohei Horikoshi. This is a long version that includes unpublished parts that did not fit into the broadcast. (Re-edited from "news zero" broadcast on July 19th) Read related articles for this video> https://news.ntv.co.jp/category/cultu... ▼Please subscribe to our channel / @ntvnews-culture ○NTV NEWS Culture The latest news is now availablehttps://news.ntv.co.jp/category/culture ○NTV NEWS Culture X (Twitter) / ntvnewsculture #My Hero Academia #Horikoshi Kohei #NTV NEWS Culture #NTV NEWS NNN #NTV [Click here for each part] 0:00 What is "My Hero Academia"1:18 A visit to Horikoshi's workshop2:52 Thoughts on the end of the serialization3:12 Total number of copies in circulation worldwide exceeds 100 million4:01 The "popularity of Hero Academia" spreads around the world4:33 What led to the birth of "Hero Academia"5:12 Why has it fascinated so many people? 6:10 What a world-famous manga artist thinks is "interesting" 6:44 The most important thing for a manga artist 7:23 The reason why "heroes are all around us"