Dhamaka is a 2020 Indian Malayalam-language comedy film directed by Omar Lulu and written by Sarang Jayaprakash, Venu OV, and Kiran Lal from a story by Lulu. Directed by : Omar Lulu Screenplay by : Sarang Jayaprakash, Venu OV, Kiran Lal Story by : Omar Lulu Produced by : MK Nazar Starring : Arun Kumar, Nikki Galrani, Mukesh, Urvashi, Innocent, Dharmajan Bolgatty, Shaalin Zoya Cinematography : Sinoj P. Ayyappan Edited by : Dileep Dennis Music by : Gopi Sundar Production company : Good Line Productions #dhamaka #malayalamnewmovies #nikkigalrani #dharmajancomedyscenes #dharmajanbolgattycomedy #dharmajanbolgatty #mukesh #malayalamcomedy #malayalamcomedyscenes #dhamakamovie Subscribe Now : http://bit.ly/2tdumXY ANTI-PIRACY WARNING This content is Copyrighted to GOODWILL MOVIES . Any unauthorized reproduction, redistribution or re-upload is strictly prohibited. Legal action will be taken against those who violate the copyright of the same