Help like & Subscribe yaaa Disclaimer - Please do not imitate the negative things in Bakwan: Fight back. This series is intended for entertainment only. Bakwan: Fight back is a minecraft roleplay series that raises the issue of bullying and violence in a school setting. Bakwan: Fight back Bhima tells the story of the life of a school child who wants to rule the school with his strength and wealth. Bakwan Fightback players: AARCH - Matthias / @aarch066 AkuDaiHehe (Dai) - Ian / @akudaihehe Alia Adelia - Adela / @aliaadeliach Aretha Kirana - Hannah Agatha https://youtube.com/@ArethKirana?si=m... BeaconCream - Karis / beaconcream Exelicks - Adrian / @exelicks Frederett 【AKA Virtual】- Rere / @frederett Haze - Jeje / @hx7e JellyKukis - Inok / @jellykukis Karanimue Yumi - Klara / @karanimue_yumi Kazera - Langit / @kazera12 Koh Acuk - Pak Yoo / @kohacukch Mefelz - Bhima / @mefelz MoenD - Medi / @moend Otodamsh - Adnan https://youtube.com/@Otodamshh?si=buy... Odokentang - Odo Satoru / @odokentang Peywish - Kai Raditya / @peywish Rolfeey - Bintang / rolfeey ShanShine ( Shanon ) - Selena Hadiwijaya / shanshineid ShanShine ( Shinon ) - Selina Hadiwijaya / @shinonvyoma Teguh Sugianto - Raka / @teguhsugianto VeraDinita - Alana Senia / @veradinita President Gaming - Arshaka / @presidentgaming × ... × ... ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××