Broadcast date: Sunday, April 9, 2023 [Program website] First time at a museum Every second and fourth Sunday of the month 12:29-12:55pm https://s.mxtv.jp/variety/hajimeteno_... (Content) We will visit the exhibition "Enjoying Art: Seeing, Feeling, Learning", which will be held until May 14, 2023 at the Artizon Museum in Nihonbashi. This is Kirari-chan's first time at a museum in her life. What is the occupation of the person in this portrait? How do you enjoy paintings such as landscapes? What are impressionism? Let's take a look at the world of art with Uncle Katagiri Jin and Kirari-chan! #TOKYOMX #FirstTimeAtAMuseum #KatagiriJin #MurayamaKisei