Hey, in this vlog I'll talk about my favorite houseplants :) I'll tell you which houseplants are undemanding, easy to grow and shouldn't cause you any problems. I will tell you which plants to avoid like the plague when you are just starting your adventure with indoor plants :) Enjoy watching, greetings Anna 10% discount on plant purchases with the code: MAKE10 CocaFlora plant store➡️ https://bit.ly/2UhOByb I recommend: a remedy for spider mites➡️ https://bit.ly/2IPzJoJ a remedy for thrips, mealybugs➡️ https://bit.ly/3kQ3SRL Foliar fertilizer➡️ https://bit.ly/3lTTaL7 Humic acids➡️ https://bit.ly/2HnQlD5 Production pots➡️https://bit.ly/3nLNbIT Pots for hydroponics➡️ https://bit.ly/394hWoe I recommend videos: How to save a watered plant plant➡️ • How to save an OVERWATERED ROTTING plant... Why do plants turn yellow➡️ • Why do houseplants TURN YELLOW? How to... Using sprays➡️ • Using sprays at home! Preparations... What soil for houseplants➡️ • What soil and pots to choose for plants... Why plants don't grow➡️ • Why don't my potted plants ... ➡️ Check how you can help and get plant advice ➡️ https://patronite.pl/MakeYourLifeGreener ????????????FOLLOW ME???????????? ➡️ FACEBOOK: / makeyourlifegreener ➡️ INSTAGRAM: / make_your_life_greener ????????????CHECK ALSO???????????? ➡️ NEWSLETTER: https://mailchi.mp/4247b4bc790e/zapis... ➡️ BLOG: https://makeyourlifegreener.blogspot.com ➡️ GADGET SHOP : https://makeyourlifegreener.selino.pl ➡️ PORTFOLIO : https://www.archilovers.com/anna-skor... ➡️ Email: [email protected]