The right diet to nourish the intestinal microbiota and prevent diseases, with Dr. Emanuele Rinninella, nutritionist UOC Clinical Nutrition at the Policlinico “Gemelli” in Rome Il Mio Medico is live from Monday to Friday at 9.45 on TV2000 Channel 28 dtt – 157 Sky – https://www.tv2000.it/live Watch all the episodes on the Il mio medico website ▶ https://www.tv2000.it/ilmiomedico The Facebook page ▶ / medicotv2000 The Twitter account ▶ / medicotv2000 Follow Il mio medico on Instagram ▶ / ilmiomedicotv2000 TV2000 always with you with our App: https://www.play2000.it/thanks #IlMioMedico