According to surveys, 60% of the wolves' food is domestic animals and 15% of it is dogs, which are mostly taken away from the flocks. Take a trip with Transylvania Tours, Péter! Adventure tours, bear and quad tours, off-road tours, rafting. 🌞🌲🚙⛰ #Erdely #székelyföld #carpathianmountains #hargita #gyimesek #transylvania #transylvania #romania #medveles #székelyföld #Erdélyitúrák #terepjarostura #quadtura #offroad #szallaserdely #szallasszekelyföld #hiking in Szákelyföld #horsesled #horsesled #hiking in Szákelyföld #adventure #gyimesek #JOMO #joyof missingout #sóbánya #Békásszoros #Drakulakastély #hírek #hírádó #report #siberia #alaska #mrbeast #bank #dukumentumfilm #csodahelyek #erdélyálátnyśnyek #rtl #fullfilm #zene #ukrán #imaginedragons #weather #russia #cotton #azahriah #speedzone # székelygóbék #dokumentumfilm #filmekmagyarul #gordonramsay #híradó #jezus #konyha #lidl #vicces #nationalgeographic #magyar #magyarpéter If you too want us to make even more beautiful films, click on the link: / Transylvania and Székelyland Take Transylvania with you in your phone, download our Transylvania app from here - Find it in the Google Play Store or at the following link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... Follow us on Instagram: / erdelyi.tur. . our website: http://traveltotransylvania.hu/ Everything about Transylvania and Székelyland, the Carpathians. Nice trips, adventure tours, bear and quad tours, off-road tours, rafting.