Astronaut Tony Nelson, sent into space on a mission, is forced to parachute onto a desert island. While waiting to be rescued, he finds a half-buried bottle, from which emerges a genie woman who, grateful, agrees to be his servant. When Tony returns to Co-Coa Beach (Florida), he knows very well that no one will believe his adventure. The psychoanalyst at the base, Dr. Bellows, is convinced that Tony has suffered from hallucinations. In addition, Jeannie (that's what he called her) refused to show herself to anyone other than her master. Starring Barbara Eden, as a two-thousand-year-old genie, and Larry Hagman, as an astronaut, it was broadcast on NBC over five seasons, between 1965 and 1970. With a total of 139 episodes. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL AND LEAVE A LIKE FOR MORE CHAPTERS