Handa Koji "Hitori Teishakuzake" Released on Wednesday, July 21, 2021 This is the second work by Handa Koji, who created a new style of enka, light enka, with his previous work "Namida-zake". This work is also a woman's song, and it is a sad story of a woman who uses alcohol to drown the sadness and helplessness of a lost love. Handa's unadorned and straightforward singing voice makes this a song that karaoke users can easily challenge. <Product details> http://www.teichiku.co.jp/teichiku/ar... [Official blog] http://handa-koji.jugem.jp/ [Official Twitter] / handa_koji [Official Instagram] / handa.koji [Label HP] http://www.teichiku.co.jp/teichiku/ar...